SEND Information
Parrenthorn has a child-centered inclusive approach to education. The school is committed to ensuring all pupils receive a high-quality education and realise their academic potential regardless of any challenges they may face. Pupils with a Special Educational Need or Disability (SEND) are educated in the classroom alongside peers where they receive quality first teaching. A number of pupils may be withdrawn from selected lessons to receive specialist teaching/intervention which is organised on a personalised and individual level.
Pupils with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) receive the necessary support as set out in their EHC Plan. They have a personalised support programme with focus on their specific needs. This can be through in class support, one to one with a specialist teacher, Lexia (literacy recover programme), peer reading, paired reading, reciprocal teaching group, Boosting Reading Potential, comprehension and spelling intervention, speech and language, The Space (Therapeutic inclusion) and behavioural support programmes. These various strategies are used for other additional needs pupils and are offered on a personalised level. Booster interventions (such as Lexia, IDL and peer reading) are also provided for pupils not included on the SEN record.
The intervention programme is overseen by N Moores - Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) and Assistant Headteacher. Pupil’s progress and attainment are regularly monitored and reviewed with support being given at departmental and whole school levels dependent upon the need of each student.
Parent/carers are informed of any support that their child is given and they are given feedback as to the progress their child has made. The programme their child is taking is explained to them, the benefits of taking part and their participation in the programme is outlined with parent/carer permission and support being essential for success. Parents of pupils on the SEN record have the opportunity to meet with members of staff and discuss the progress and attainment their child is making.
Additional SEN Pages
- Curriculum SEN Overviews
- SEN Staff Overview
- SEN Areas of Need
- Interventions at Parrenthorn
- Therapeutic Inclusion
- Additional Information and Support